Our spindle repair service facility offers repair, rebuild, reconditioning, refurbishment and rework of spindles used in automotive, aerospace, aeronautics, military, tooling, machine tool, woodworking, plastic, stone, marble, granite, glass and ceramic industries. The range of repair services includes:
- Precision spindle repair service, precision spindle repairs, precision spindle rebuild service, CNC spindle repairs, milling spindle repairs, spindle reconditioning services, spindle refurbishment services, machine spindle repairs, spindle remanufacture of all styles, types and sizes including cartridge, block, belt-driven, motorized, high frequency electrospindles, high frequency spindle motors and high speed spindle motors
- Our spindle repair service includes: Photo cataloging in original condition and all parts after disassembly and cleaning, inspection of all parts and measurement of critical surfaces with electronic gaging, taper rework, taper grinding, drawbar repairs, clamping collet repairs and replacement, bearing seat rework, housing bore rework, hard chroming and grinding, spacer grinding, motor repairs, motor rewinds, balancing of all rotating parts, lubrication of bearings, reassembly, run-in, vibration check, temperature check, runout check and final balance with accessories like pulley and toolholder mounted
Spindle Repair Process
The spindle repair process consists of the inspection, analysis, repair, balancing, assembly and testing of your spindle. Quality control is built into each phase of repair, and every step is completed in a state-of-the-art repair and manufacturing facility. If your spindle has failed, the best way back to productivity is a timely and quality repair in our facility. We will rebuild a complete spindle, or a partial spindle of only a few components. We can manufacture new components.
- Technical staff check all spindles that arrive for repair. Each unit is logged in, and a work order is opened. This report follows a spindle along the repair process, detailing all the work that is needed and completed. Each unit is visually inspected prior to disassembly for signs of external damage that may have caused failure.
- Technicians carefully disassemble each unit, paying close attention for signs of contamination, lack of oil, misuse or other signs of failure. Each component is polished to remove any surface rust or damaged high spots. Each component is solvent-washed and air-dried. This all takes place in a dedicated area, so quality control will be maintained.
- In the inspection area, trained technicians inspect and analyze each component. Using state-of-the-art analysis methods, each critical component is then checked for size, run out, alignment and parallelism. After careful inspection, a written report of probable root causes for the unit’s failure and a method for failure prevention is created.
- Virtually any component can be machined, re-manufactured, or manufactured new in our fully outfitted, state-of-the-art machine shop. Experienced machinists will rebuild or reproduce any part needed. This in-house capability assures quality control and timely return to productivity.
- A fully modernized, climate-controlled grinding area equipped with new state-of-the-art CNC grinding machines operated by skilled machinists, is capable of grinding OD’s, ID’s, and internal and external tapers to 0.000025″ or less TIR. Center hole, surface, rotary and jig grinding capability to tolerances of .000010″ compliment in-house capability to assure quality control.
- Unbalanced components will seriously reduce bearing life and cause a poor finish on your product. Correcting an imbalance problem requires removing or adding weight to the component. Proper spindle balancing improves performance and extends the life of bearings, in addition to retaining improved quality control on all work. Using the very latest in high-tech computer-controlled balancing equipment, the spindle balancing process is completed first, on all individual rotating components, then on the assembled unit.
- Trained assembly specialists carefully assemble spindles in a dedicated clean room. Using all new bearings, with correct and filtered lubricants, spindles are assembled. Our team of assembly specialists have over a century of hands-on experience in Spindle Repair. They are trained in all phases of machining, boring, grinding, jig grinding, lathe and CNC machining operations.
- During run-in, each spindle is brought incrementally up to operating speed in a dedicated clean testing area. Each spindle is tested to verify speed, vibration, temperature and critical runouts. All critical operating parameters are monitored to ensure that spindles operate to or exceed original specifications.
- Stringent standards for quality control are maintained even through the shipping process. If paint is required, an appropriate color is carefully applied. Spindles are wrapped in non-reactive material and encased in foam. High-strength shipping cartons are used for added protection during a spindle’s return trip. Spindles weighing 125 lbs. or more are shipped in custom-built wooden crates.
Types of Spindle Repaired
- Ball bearing, roller bearing, hydrostatic bearing and hydrodynamic bearing spindles
- Internal grinding and ID grinding, external grinding and OD grinding, cylindrical grinding, centerless grinding spindles
- High frequency spindle motors, high frequency electrospindles, CNC spindles, high speed spindle motors and CNC spindle motors
- CNC surface grinder, CNC tool and cutter grinder, form grinding, creep feed grinder spindles
- Wheelhead, workhead, dresser, dressing spindles
- Automatic tool change, coolant-thru-spindle milling types with Morse taper, HSK taper, DIN taper, Big Plus taper, Capto taper
- CNC drill spindles, fine boring, CNC lathe spindles, CNC milling spindles
- High speed router, CNC router spindle motors, molder spindles, shaper, high speed electrospindle
- Engraving spindles, PCB drill spindles